There is a little book written by Robert J. Morgan called
Red Sea Rules (RSR) - 10 God-given strategies for difficult times. Here at Lenoir City First Church of the Nazarene (LCFCN) we have been using this book as a catalytic devotional resource in our Wednesday Night sanctuary prayer group.
This little book addresses some of what we are facing and dealing with, in the life of this church as we navigate missional challenges in our journey in 2016. You are invited to join in and engage with us.
Red Sea Rules #1 Blog Scripture for this week;
Exodus 14:1-2 (ESV)
1Then the LORD said to Moses, 2"Tell the people of Israel to turn back and encamp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, in front of Baal-zephon; you shall encamp facing it, by the sea.
Israel had escaped Pharaoh, and Egypt was in their rear view mirror. However Pharaoh had changed his mind and was coming after Israel. God had told them to make camp at a very specific place as can be seen from the verses above. This place was on a beach head, with the sea in front of them and behind them, with only a narrow pass through which they had just come. There were seep mountains on either side of the narrow pass and the Egyptian army was bringing up the rear. There was no place to go. It was like God had put them in a cul-de-sac, a really tight spot in which the Egyptians would certainly slaughter them.
You talk about a place worthy of some worry, one could easily see how this moment would absolutely qualify. Have you ever had fear or panic so grip you that you could not avoid worry? How can you not worry when your expenses clearly exceed your income? How can you not worry when your family member is diagnosed with cancer?
In the case of our church, how can you not worry when your sanctuary is too small, when your mission is bigger than your budget or your resources; Or when your call to action means sacrifice of personal preferences and being unable to control variables.
Red Sea Rule #1: Realize that God means for you to be where your are. (RSR P. 1)
Like the Israelites following God's direction to camp between "Migdol and the sea", occasionally God tests our faith, be leading us right in trouble, where we are taught wisdom as He shows us His way. Let there be no doubt when this trouble is breathing down your neck, you just want to panic...but there is another option. It is not always an easy one, in fact it may be the most difficult of all, because you have to know where to look (God's Word) for guidance.
Realize God means for you to be where you are and that the same God who lead you in will lead you out. (RSR P. 6)
1. Red Seas come in all shapes and sizes. What's the Red Sea you are focused on right now?
2. Why is life so hard? Why do problems persist? Why do we encounter these Red Seas?
(For more in depth study, check out the
Red Sea Rules Study Guide at