First Church of the Nazarene

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  • Feb21Wed

    March 2017

    February 21, 2018

    After looking at the logistics of Spiritual Deepening week in May, last year we determined it would be better to move it earlier in the year.   It fits perfectly with the beginning of Lent when we make preparations for Easter.  As we begin March we start with Ashe Wednesday which is the beginning of Lent.   Ashe Wednesday is the reminder that we are human beings made of dust and that it is God who has given grace and mercy to redeem us from sin.   We will celebrate that redemption climaxed in Easter.  


    In the next 40 days I want to challenge you to commit to fasting and praying.  Fasting food, social media, TV, coffee, sodas or something that reflects a sacrifice.  Every time you go to do that activity or think about desiring that one thing you have given up, it is the reminder that God gave up His only Son so that He could know you, redeem you and bring grace and transformation into your life.   Let these moments draw you into the presence of God and focus on his sacrifice that compels your devotion.  


    Take the time to pray when you would normally be doing whatever activity or engaging in what you are giving up.  Examine yourself, immerse yourself in God's Word, and listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit for what God desires to do in your life.  Does he have a ministry he needs you to do?  Are you one of those He wants to step out in faith to help plant a new church?  Is there a friend or co-worker or someone in your circle of influence who God needs you to share His love in tangible ways?   During this time, generously give of yourselves in serving others, especially those for whom you are praying to come to know Christ and inviting to Spiritual Deepening Sunday and Potluck fellowship.  Ask God to show you how He wants you to do this.   


    He longs to meet with us during Spiritual Deepening week and all during these next 40 days of Lenten commitments.  - Pastor David