First Church of the Nazarene

Our Blog


  • Jan26Thu

    February 2017

    January 26, 2017
    February is upon us.  NYI Valentines Banquet, Children’s Valentines for Jesus, and Lent is right around the corner with preparation for Spiritual Deepening Week. 
  • We took a truck load of homemade cookies to the Chaplain at TA truck stop here in Lenoir City. They were donated by local churches. Included in the bag was encouraging scripture for the truckers to read. There are other items given to them for a Christmas gift including information on human trafficking.
  • We took a truck load of homemade cookies to the Chaplain at TA truck stop here in Lenoir City. They were donated by local churches. Included in the bag was encouraging scripture for the truckers to read. There are other items given to them for a Christmas gift including information on human trafficking.
  • Jan5Thu

    January 2017 Pastors Note

    January 5, 2017 Rev. David Smith
    New Year Challenge
  • Nov22Tue


    Pastors Note November 22, 2016
    As we go into December, let our missional strategy scriptures remind us why we celebrate Christmas, why Jesus came in the first place. 
  • Oct25Tue


    October 25, 2016

    It seems like this year is flying by to quickly.  With the pace we have been keeping in the life of this church it is no wonder it feels so fast.  The truth is, it is not really that much different than any other year as far as pace goes.  

  • Aug13Sat

    "Red Sea Rules"

    August 13, 2016
    There is a little book written by Robert J. Morgan called Red Sea Rules  (RSR) - 10 God-given strategies for difficult times. Here at Lenoir City First Church of the Nazarene (LCFCN) we have been using this book as a catalytic devotional resource in our Wednesday Night sanctuary prayer group.

    This little book addresses some of what we are...
  • Jan2Sat

    New Group Starting Soon

    January 2, 2016
    Example of blog entry announcing a new DivorceCare Group starting soon.

    January X, XXXX at