First Church of the Nazarene

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Photos (8 Photos)

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Who We Are


To know Christ --- to share His transforming love, build relationships,
encourage commitment, and show compassion.



Commitment to Prayer We Believe that God instructs his people to pray and that He hears and answers prayer.
Holiness We believe that God, who is holy, calls each of us to a life of holiness. Holiness in the life of believers is most clearly understood as Christ, as the unrivaled Lord of our lives....Christ living in us and through us.
Relationships We believe that relationships in our church and in our community are key to our spiritual growth and the growth of God's kingdom. We will strive to be a community of faith where healthy, authentic, abiding relationships are cultivated, nurtured, and developed. We are God's instruments, showing love and compassion to those within and without this body of believers.
Inspirational Worship and Ministries We believe that our worship and ministries should be Christ-centered, insprirational, dynamic, creative, innovative, flexible, and reflective of what God is doing in our generation and culture.
Scriptural Teaching and Preaching We believe that one of the primary responsibilities of our church leadership is to "prepare God's people for works of service" (Ephesians 4:12). We are committed to accomplishing this through the clear and accurate communication of God's Word through teaching and preaching. We value continual learning and encourage the discovery and exercise of spiritual gifts. It is our desire to see unbelievers become Disciples and believers become Disciple makers.
Transformed Lives We believe that all we do is meaningless without clear evidence of transformed lives. We believe that as we experience God, we will be transformed into the image of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives.